This page is dedicated to informing the Congregation and any new members, of any upcoming news, announcements, and events that are important to the congregation and any new members, and will be updated weekly. Here are the announcements for the week of the 29th of April of 2023, at the Grace United Methodist Church.
On Saturday April 29th
of 2023, at 6pm that evening, the Grace United Methodist Church, located at 828 North Main Street in Meadville, PA. held another Saturday evening church service which was posted live on our Facebook page. This is also where we post our live Sunday Services. If anyone is interested in watching these live feeds, please visit to join our page. We had 15 people attend that evening, during which we sang hymns, and listened to the pastor give a testimonial
On Sunday April 30th of 2023, The 8:15 service at Grace United Methodist Church located at 828 North Main Street in Meadville, PA 16335, has been replaced with Saturday evening services starting at 6pm.
At 9:30 am, there was a Adult Sunday School class held in the Dan Lamb Room at the Grace United Methodist Church located at 828 North Main Street Meadville, PA 16335.
Also at 9:30 am, there was a Worship Service over at the Woodcock United Methodist Church located at 23048 Gravel Run Road, Saegertown, Pennsylvania, 16433. Again because of COVID-19, Adult Sunday School has been canceled for the time being.
Later on that morning, there was a 11:00 am Worship Service at the Grace United Methodist Church located at 828 North Mai15 Street Meadviille, PA 16335. Masks, Social Distancing, and other CDC recommended practices were observed during these services.
This Thursday, May 4th of 2023, Our Thursday for Jesus Ministry held at the Grace United Methodist Church located at 828 North Main Street Meadville, PA 16335, is a ministry that is for the kids within the community and abroad. It is from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm and is for kids from pre-k on up to high school. We have a share prayer meal, and a bible lesson.
Next Saturday, May 6th of 2023, we will hold another evening service at the Grace United Methodist Church located at 828 North Main Street in Meadville, PA 16335 at 6pm. Everyone in the community and beyond is invited to attend. We will be hosting it live on our Facebook page as well. To view our service online, please visit us at the link that is located at the top of this page.
Next Sunday April 7th of 2023, at 9:30 am, the Grace United Methodist Church will hold it’s usual Adult Sunday class at 9:30 am. The church is located at 828 North Main Street Meadville, PA 16335.
Also at 9:30 am, there will be a Worship Service over at the Woodcock United Methodist Church located at 23048 Gravel Run Road, Saegertown, Pennsylvania, 16433. Again because of COVID-19, Adult Sunday School has been canceled for the time being.
Later on that morning, there will be a 11:00 am Worship Service at the Grace United Methodist Church located at 828 North Mai15 Street Meadville, PA 16335. We will be having a meal after the service. Masks, Social Distancing, and other CDC recommended practices were observed during these services.
The early Service 8:15 am. has been replaced by an evening service every Saturday starting at 6pm.
The Dan Lamb Classes have resumed, and will meet Sundays, in the Dan Lamb room at 9:30 am.
2024 General Conference
The Commission on the General Conference announced that
the 2024 United Methodist General Conference will be held from
April 23rd to May 3rd, 2024, at Charlotte Convention Center in
Charlotte, North Carolina.
SPRING Rummage Sale
Friday, May 5, 9 am – 4 pm
Saturday, May 6, 9 am – 1 pm.
Items (especially for spring & summer) may be dropped off
Monday, May 1 through Thursday, May 4 from 9 am until 12 pm.
No electronics, televisions or suitcases, please.
When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing.
Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have
treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
— Luke 18:22
Vacation Bible School will be held from
August 7th to August 11th. We need
your help to make this year’s VBS a
success. Please, contact Carole Fisher
to let her know how you can help.
Contact the church office at 1-814-724-6312 to ask for a copy.
Special Music
Music and song continue to play a vital role in the life of God’s people. Outside the church there are
few occasions or opportunities in North American culture for people to sing together. People’s lives
are surrounded with music—television and radio, the background music of video games, the muzak
of shopping malls, CDs, and synthesizers. Yet much of the time music functions as “background”
rather than as an opportunity for serious listening, much less participation.
We invite anyone who is interested in participating in worship through music. If you’d like to provide
special music for any future services, please contact Bonnie or Pastor Rich. If there is any special
music you would like to hear you may also contact us and make a request.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom,
singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
— Colossians 3:16
MAY 2023
May 1st 9am Rummage Sale Setup
May 4th 5:30pm Thursdays For Jesus
May 5th 9:00am Rummage Sale
May 6th 8:30am Fellowship Breakfast
9:00am Rummage Sale
6:00am Worship Service
May 7th Communion
11:00am Worship Service
12:00pm Board Meeting
May 11th 12:00pm UMW
5:30pm Thursdays for Jesus
May 13th 6:00pm Worship Service
May 14th Mother’s Day 11:00am Worship Service
May 16th Election Day
May 18th 5:30pm Thursdays for Jesus
May 19th 1:00pm Newsletter Deadline
May 20th Communion 6:00pm Worship Service
May 21st 11:00am Worship Service
May 25th 5:30pm Thursdays for Jesus
May 27th 6:00pm Worship Service
May 28th 11:00am Worship Service
12:00am Potluck
May 29th Memorial Day Office closed
JOIN US for WORSHIP on SATURDAYs at 6:00 PM and again on SUNDAYS at 11 a.m. (in the sanctuary)
Worship with us in person, hand sanitizer available, facemasks and social distancing highly encouraged as long as Crawford County has “high transmission” of Covid.
Worship with us by viewing the livestream of the 11 a.m. service on the church’s Facebook page beginning soon after 11, or view the video of the service any time later. To view our service online, please visit the link located at the top of this page.
Everyone is appreciated, no matter how you connect with us!
If you attend the 11 a.m. service at Grace, you may have noticed that we have resumed our greeter ministry. We invite you to participate for a month at a time. If you would like to volunteer, but can’t make it every Sunday, please let us know.
In addition to a friendly “good morning” to everyone, duties include showing first-time visitors where the Sunday School classes meet, pointing out the restrooms, accompanying them to the sanctuary for worship and introducing them to the ushers.
Greeters will also lock the doors a few minutes after the worship service begins. Please let Joyce Duckworth know if you are willing to be a part of this important ministry.
Please sign the attendance pad, in the pews during both services, and include your mailing address and phone number, in case we do not have it. As winter approaches, we would like to make sure we have a working telephone chain in case we need to cancel services due to the weather. Announcement for cancellation of services due to the weather, will also be posted on the website as well as our Facebook Page.